When you are away, a few tips will help you rest assured that you are protecting yourself as much as possible during travel. 

  • Leave your checkbooks, social security cards, and all but a couple of necessary credit cards at home in a secure place.
  • Notify Calhoun Banks of your travel plans, especially if you plan on using a debit card while you are away. Simply call and notify us of the dates you will be away and your destination.
  • Check your account activity frequently on a secure computer or device while traveling.
  • Do not access personal or financial information on a public computer or while using unsecure Wi-Fi hotspots. In fact, do not use Wi-Fi hotspots, if possible.
  • Do not leave personal or confidential information in a rental car or in your hotel room while you are out.
  • Never share specifics of your travels on social networking sites. If possible, refrain from referencing details or posting pictures until you return home.
  • Never leave any of your belongings unattended.
  • If you need cash, withdraw it at a major and reputable financial institution.
  • Arrange transportation in advance when possible.
  • Password-protect your computers and mobile devices and always store them in secure areas.
  • Shred boarding passes, itineraries, and similar information that contain valuable information when you no longer require them.

The power to protect your cards is in your hands.

Calhoun Banks offers SecurLOCK Equip. You can download it from your app store. It's fast and FREE! It allows you to turn your cards off and on, control where your cards can be used, and receive instant alerts! You can vacation with ease after you download the app. Scan this QR code to download the app.